ArmouTechWorks  offers online passive fire protection solution. ArmouTechWorks offers fire protection and protective coating solution like intumescent paint. Experienced applicators from ArmouTechWorks and state of art equipment and technology make ArmouTechWorks convenient and possibly quick solution with minimal disruption to the construction.

ArmouTechWorks under stands the time constraints placed on construction builders and hectic project schedule and provide innovative solution that meets the appropriate needs. Applicators from ArmouTechWorks are well experienced in the industry. ArmouTechWorks’s applicators provide high quality architectural finishes for their projects.

ArmouTechWorks offers project after undergoing rigorous testing during and after installation. ArmouTechWorks solutions are also subject to auditing by independent body Firas Australia. ArmouTechWorks communicates well with the customers and supplies solution which ensures appropriate solution. ArmouTechWorks offers intumescent paint systems which suits the needs and exceeds the expectation.

Systems offered by ArmouTechWorks are fully tested and ensures compatibility with the products used. ArmouTechWorks offers innovative passive fire protection solution which includes black steel and galvanised steel. ArmouTechWorks offers complete passive fire protection solution which meets all safety standards and specifications.