My Home Service  arose from a collaborative effort known as Service Logix which came together in mid July 2004.

The purpose of this group was to study the processes operating within various service industries and devise a model that would address current and future complexities looking at the needs of the consumer and the service provider.

Over the past 18 months while continuing to work with service companies, experienced professionals and industry associations, My Home Service has evolved to a fully fledged consumer-focused online service company offering choice, reliability and a good service experience.

My Home Service’s mission

My Home Service has tried build a community of consumers, service professionals, parts suppliers and manufacturers.

My Home Service’s prime focus is to provide and maintain an efficient infrastructure that supports optimal interaction between all of these parties.

My Home Service offers high quality infrastructure that delivers customers the standards they expect in the internet economy with a one-stop solution for household repairs and delivering good service experience.

Customer portal

The customer portal offers consumers technologically advanced yet simple way to book services across a number of industries relative to their home needs.

The system has been developed with ongoing customer interviews and surveys with the aim of delivering a time-efficient solution to search, compare prices and book home service professionals.

Service provider portal

The service provider portal is designed for service companies, manufacturers or distribution partners to access functionality of the My Home Service system needed to complete tasks or report on activity.
At present this offers service companies the ability to manage multiple technicians based on skill, area and availability.