Now in their 16th year, the 2022 Sustainability Awards are now more important than ever.

The last 24 months of both man-made and natural disasters has provided a direct look into the future of humanity for the next decade at least, and as such has positioned us as powerful impetus for change.

Not surprising then that the 2022 Sustainability Awards have received such a high number of entries this year.

For the second year running, the Shortlist was chosen via our live judging day – which was also proudly supported by Autex, who, along with our events and IT teams, went well above and beyond the call of duty to ensure the day went off without a hitch.

And who could forget our amazing judges on the day - from head judge Dick Clarke to the main jury consisting of Sandra Furtado, Suzanne Toumbourou, Kate Nason, David Coates, Jeremy Spencer, Simone Schenkel, Arianna Brambilla, Mike Faine and of course, Mahalath Halperin, with Oliver Reed being absent whilst in the Andes!

This year, the jury found the entrants to be somewhat easier to discern, although having said that, one of the judges did note that this year, some of the comparisons between entries were like ‘Comparing apples with elephants’.

This of course alludes to the fact that few of the entries could actually prove any of their rating adherences, a situation that will not happen next years with some of the changes that we are set to implement.

As another of our judges said, ‘this day is about marrying science and design’ and as custodians of Australia’s biggest and oldest built environment suitability awards, it is incumbent on us to realise the natural evolution of our awards programme.

Having said that, the quality of the winners was something that we have seen improve year in, year out, and something bodes very positively for the upcoming Gala Awards night on November 10 in Sydney, and will once again confirm the Architecture & Design Sustainability Awards as the paragon of national sustainability awards in Australia.

In fact, looking at the Shortlist, one can only feel the sense of anticipation has grown somewhat for the Gala night and the announcement of the winners on November 10.

Registrations for the Gala Dinner are now open. We invite you to complete your free registration for the evening Awards or purchase your full day ticket to experience both the Gala and the 2021 Sustainability Summit. 

But in the meantime, following is the 2022 Shortlist, in no particular order but in alphabetical category listing:



Now all we have left to do is to announce the winners on November 10 at the Gala Dinner at the well-situated luxury Shangri-La Sydney.


For Registrations to the Gala Dinner, please go here.