The major cause of injury in Australia is slips, trips and falls. In the past, most floor surfaces have been chosen with aesthetics rather than ergonomics as a primary concern.

In other words, the beautiful, high gloss properties of the floors have been more important to those choosing floor surfaces than the non-slip properties of the pedestrian surface.

Because of this, injuries from falls cost Australian society more than $2.3 million each year.

With Australian slip resistance standards among the highest in the world, it is essential to be aware of legal obligations to avoid expensive litigation resulting from slip and fall injuries.

Grip Guard Non Slip  has floor safety operators throughout Australia who provide specialist testing, advice and treatments designed to help property owners and managers ensure that their floor surfaces comply with Australian Standards.

Grip Guard Non Slip receives hundreds of enquiries each year from individuals and organisations who are seeking advice on slip resistance.

Grip Guard Non Slip operators provide on-site inspections which include regular slip resistance measurements and are recorded to ensure on-going safety compliance. These records provide evidence of on-going commitment to floor safety by property owners.

Grip Guard Non Slip operators also provide floor maintenance programs to its clients which can ensure that the slip resistance that has been achieved by non-slip treatment is not compromised by improper cleaning procedures.

Not even the most highly slip-resistant surface can prevent slip/fall injuries if it is obscured by contaminants which create a barrier between the safe surface and the foot.

With this in mind, Grip Guard Non Slip can provide its clients with floor maintenance products of good quality available to ensure that floor safety is not compromised.