Bridge Housing has announced Laurie Leigh will take the reins as the company’s new CEO in August, putting an end to its extensive executive search.

Bridge Housing is a social and affordable housing provider with over three decades worth of industry experience. Their tenant-centric approach ensures tenants maintain their dwellings long-term. Leigh will ensure this is maintained and enhanced as her tenure as CEO, building on her expertise across the disability, property, and aged care sectors.

 "Laurie is joining us at a watershed moment in the sector's history with the activation of the Housing Australia Future Fund,” says Bridge Housing's Executive Chair Stephen Bull.

“Her career spent improving people’s lives aligns positively with Bridge's commitment to enhancing tenant well-being outcomes. The Board is confident that Laurie's leadership will amplify our commitment to innovation, inclusion, and integrity as we change lives and strengthen communities." 

Leigh has previously been the CEO of National Disability Services and RSL Lifecare, overseeing periods of change, challenge and growth. She says the chance to lead Bridge Housing is a wonderful opportunity.

"Bridge Housing has always valued tenant outcomes and delivering houses on the ground. I look forward to joining robust conversations and collaborations with our tenant community, staff and board, valued partners and policymakers to drive positive social change,” she says.

“I’ve enjoyed working for a national peak body in the disability sector, but I have missed the satisfaction of direct service delivery. I’m looking forward to being a part of the community sector once again and having that more direct connection to the people who you work to support.”

Leigh says she was enthused by the chance to head up an organisation she has always had immense respect for.

“I’ve long been an admirer of the work of Bridge Housing and when the opportunity came up to apply for the CEO role, I felt that I had to put myself forward. This is a great organisation, doing valuable work in the community, and one to which I have a real personal commitment,” she continues.

“Equitable housing is a key challenge for Australian society at the moment, and the work that Bridge does to meet the housing needs of the most disadvantaged people has never been more important. I’m looking forward to being a part of this crucial work.”