French studios, Oxo Architectes and Laisné Associés have proposed a plan to transform uninhibited subway stations in Paris into entertainment and sport venues.

The architecture company was commissioned by Paris mayoral candidate Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet to develop possibilities for renovating the disused spaces into places where Parisians can go to eat, dance, watch a play or even exercise.

Young Parisian architect Manal Rachdi and urban planner Nicolas Laisné have sketched up plans that illustrate the otherwise unused spaces converted into everything from a swimming pool, theatre and concert hall, nightclub, art gallery or even refectory-style restaurant.

Arsenal Metro station converted into a nightclub

Another solution included an underground park, which would require a series of skylights to be built into the station's roof to provide natural light.

The plans have been criticised for their huge cost and the safety issues involved in converting stations that still have live electricity running through them.

Arsenal Metro station converted into a park

Despite the warnings, if she wins the election for Mayor in March, Kosciusko-Morizet vows to continue crowdsourcing other ideas for repurposing the “phantom stations.”

There are currently 16 disused Metro stations in Paris, most of which closed between 1930-1970. A small number were also built but never opened. Previously the stations have been used as temporary sets for advertising campaigns and films.

Arsenal Metro station converted into a theatre and concert hall

Courtesy Gizmodo and Dezeen