The latest instalment of this series will take place in Sydney on March 7, the focus being Maternity/Paternity Leave plus The (Elegant) Return: What works; who’s making it work; tips for young players.

This seminar series began as part of the UTS School of Architecture M.Arch Professional Practice subject and is now continuing as a public event.

Round III will focus on the mechanics of Maternity/Paternity leave and how to achieve an elegant return: how it all works, who it’s working for, stories from those making it work, and a frank discussion re what it costs practice.


  • Misty Waters BatesSmart
  • Gerard Reinmuth Terroir
  • Alison Earl Terroir
  • Matt Pullinger Hassell
  • Maggie Chigwidden Hassell
  • Tarsha Finney UTS
  • Olivia Hyde BVN

“In spite of his expertly honed tantrum-throwing skills, she remained transfixed by her slick new kitchen appliances”. image via UTS


Wednesday 7th March 2012 12-2pm Austral Showroom. 50 Carrington Street, Wynyard

Participation is free, but registration is required for catering:

CPD points are available for participants if required.