This year’s winner of Australia’s top architecture prize, the Australian Institute of Architects’ Gold Medal, and creator of some of Australia’s most iconic cultural buildings, will give a public presentation in Darwin next week.

The 2008 Gold Medalist Richard Johnson will discuss his projects, key influences and issues affecting the Australian architecture profession. Johnson is responsible for the creation over the past 38 years of a large range of significant projects in Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Hobart, Darwin, Auckland, Melbourne and China.

In Sydney alone, his projects include cultural icons such as the Art Gallery of NSW New Asian Wing, the Sydney Opera House masterplan and refurbishments (with Jørn Utzon), the Museum of Sydney, First Government House Place, and the Australian Museum’s New Zoology Building. Current projects and cultural icons of the future are the new National Portrait Gallery in Canberra and Tasmanian Art Gallery and Museum in Hobart.

The Australian Institute of Architects’ Gold Medal is the highest accolade that can be bestowed on a member of the architectural community. It recognises distinguished service by architects who have designed or executed buildings of high merit or who have produced works of distinction resulting in the advancement of architecture.

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