Queensland is now in the middle of the biggest social housing rollout the state has ever seen.

Queensland Housing Minister Karen Struthers today says Queensland is on track to see more social housing delivered than ever before.

"This is good news for people doing it tough who need a safe and affordable place to sleep and good news for builders and tradies who are benefitting from the jobs the record rollout is creating," Struthers says.

"In this calendar year alone we have supported 3500 jobs through our social housing building program.

"Since August 31, we have more than doubled our output during some of the wettest weather on record adding another 169 completions over less than two months.

"Although there have been delays on some projects, there are now more than 720 dwellings complete and workers are busy building more 3100 dwellings which are currently under construction."

However, Struthers says the Federal and State oppositions had opposed the stimulus package. And she is asking for clarification on the opposition’s position.

"If were up to the LNP, not one brick would have been laid, not one tradie would have been given a job and not one person would have been helped into brand new affordable and safe accommodation under this program," Ms Struthers says.

"John-Paul Langbroek made a garbled confession yesterday that any State Government program was at risk of being cut under the LNP but he won't tell Queensland unless someone asks him about it.

"So I'm asking JPL now. It's time to come clean. Will our record social housing investment be cut by the LNP?"