What is numerology?

Numerology is a pseudoscience dealing with the spiritual meaning of numbers and their relationship with human affairs. Numerology is a belief in mystical (or divine) connections between humans and numbers which may influence their lives or events which happen around them.

The most well-known example of numerology is the numbers in your birth date and how they may influence your life path. However, numerology can be applied quite broadly to the significant numbers in your life such as the amount of siblings you have, co-ordinates, postcodes, the date of a life-changing event, or even the numbers in your home address.

Numerology works by adding the significant numbers together until you reach a single digit number. This number is sometimes known as a personality number or an angel number. Most numerological charts will explain spiritual circumstances in your life in accordance with your personality number. If you have letters in your address, you count out their placement on the alphabet and use that number in lieu of the letter when adding everything together. Don’t worry – it’s not as complicated as it sounds.

House number meanings: how to find your numerology spiritual numbers

Let’s say your house address or unit number is 14 Example Street. Adding the numbers together (1 +4 ) gives you the numerological number 5. However, say you live a little further down the road at 19 Example Street. Now, adding the numbers together doesn’t give us exactly what we want, because 1 + 9 = 10.

This is a two digit number, so it cannot be your numerology number. When you have a two or more digit answer, you simply keep adding the individual numbers until you reach a single digit. In this case, it means the numerological number of the house is simply 1 (because 1 + 0 = 1). This works for all number, regardless of the length. For example;

983 Example Street.

9 + 8 + 4 = 21

2 + 1 = 3

Final number: 3

Example birthday


2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 +9 = 37

3 + 7 = 10

1 + 0 = 1

Final number: 1

Example Birthday


6 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 17

1 + 7 = 8

Final number: 8

Numerology is closely related to – and associated with – other mystical arts such as astrology, tarot, feng shui and horoscopes. Numbers have a spiritual meaning in numerology which can be interpreted for advice, predictions, and insight. Bear in mind that this about belief rather than a science – as with astrology, there is significant scepticism about the accuracy and truth of numerology.

 However, this does not mean that it has no value. Numerology does not have to be true or infallible for it to be useful. Good advice, regardless of the source, can change a life for the better. It does not matter so much what your spirit number is trying to tell you, or if you even believe in such things – what matters is what you choose to do with the advice that numerology hands you.

With that said, here is an overview of the numerological meaning of house numbers and how they might affect you.

What is a street number?

Street numbers correspond to the building’s placement along the street. Even numbers are always grouped together on one side of the street, and odd numbers on the other. Numbering houses is a practice that has been around for centuries. The earliest recorded instance of a numbered street was Prescot Street in Goodman’s fields, London – in 1708. The practice was commonplace by the turn of the century.

So, what are good house numbers for luck? Here’s what the most spiritually significant numbers in Numerology mean for a house address.

Numerology house numbers

Number 1

1 on letterbox house address white plaque outdoors

The first number is a powerful one. According to numerology, 1 is the number of independence, freedom and strength. A house with #1 in the address is uniquely suited to self-employed people or singles. The power of number one is best harnessed by those starting a business, working from home, or embarking on a journey of self-discovery.

Number 2

2 house plaque address bronze copper metal doorway marker wooden door

The second number is the complete opposite of the first. In numerology, the number two signifies belonging, loving relationships, and harmony. This home is said to have a sensitive and nurturing environment that promotes balance, teamwork and sentimentality. The energy of a number 2 home is best embraced by young families and friends who are living together.

Number 3

house address number 3 outdoors numerology ideas plaque marker address for home

Number three is the number of creation. Three is a celebrated number across the world, holding significance in many different religions as well as global consciousness and pop culture. Homes on #3 are lively, upbeat and full of fascinating secrets. They are perfect for those with a strong sense of community and a fondness for entertaining.

Number 4

four house address plaque colourful sign outdoors

Four is a serious number, with many cultural superstitions attached. In numerology, four is a grounded number which promotes structure, responsibility, and stability.

Number 6

number 6 black address marker painted on white coloumn apartment terrace housing city london black and white

Number six is the harmony home, perfect for families large and small. Six is the most domestic number, promoting nurturing energy, responsibility, equality and belonging.

Number 7

number seven 7 magic number address home house outdoor yellow wall marker sign

Seven is colloquially known as the magic number. In numerology, seven represents spiritualism and introspection. Seven is a secretive home well suited to introverts and those working on mastering a craft.

Number 8

number 8 eight outdoor address marker buy online design ideas blue and white sign on brick wall

Number 8 homes are productive and driven. They are supportive spaces for entrepreneurs and ambitious people working at leaving their mark on the world. This is the perfect environment for a workaholic or overachiever.

Number 9

number 9 nine outdoor address sign marker home house yellow with blue and white sign doorway European

Nine houses are homes of community. They radiate a warm and loving energy that encourage charity, selflessness, spirituality and creativity. Number 9 houses are supportive environments that will strengthen your humanitarian resolve. Number 9 is an international number in numerology, suggesting worldliness and travel.

Number 11

number eleven 11 door maker home address outside black and white classy meaning numerology

While this is not a single digit number, number 11 has huge significance in Numerology. Number 11 is known as a “master number” because of its powerful essence and its association with spirituality. The master numbers in numerology are 11, 22, and 33.

Number 13

number 13 thirteen outdoor sign home house address marker stone

Though many superstitions caused number 13 to be overlooked – even banned for use as a street number – numerology considers 13 to be a sacred number which brings good luck, change, and prosperity in times of strife.