The Affinity Village Clubhouse is the heart of the retirement village and an extension of the residents’ homes, brought to life by their social activities and events.

It needed to be the heart of the project – promoting both daytime and evening activity within the village. The building design needed to have maximum functionality and flexibility to accommodate changes in use over time, however also needed a design ‘wow’ factor. Ultimately, it needed to be a country clubhouse in which people can relax and socialise with friends and family.

Significant energy reduction was achieved in the building with a reduction of 50% of emissions when compared to a standard building of similar size. This was achieved through high-efficiency light fittings creating a 62% reduction in lighting energy consumption and a 59% reduction in HVAC consumption with the use of heat exchange systems and CO2 monitoring and control. Additionally the installation of high-efficiency fittings and fixtures, as well as the selection of low water-use plants created a reduction in water usage.

The Clubhouse, which was awarded a 5 Star Green Star rating, will deliver significant energy and water savings and promote the health and wellbeing of its residents.


  • All facets of the building are automatically measured including where and how energy and water are used. This helps manage the building and fine tune its performance in the future.
  • Extra insulation in walls and ceilings, and high-performance glazing help the building retain heat in winter and stay cool in summer.
  • Individual metering and motion sensors combine with high-efficiency light fittings and controls to ensure the Clubhouse uses only the energy it really needs.
  • Windows and skylights have been carefully designed to allow ample light in and provide easy connection with our outside environment.
  • Use of low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) in the carpets, paint and furniture reduce off gassing of toxins into the indoor environment.
  • Careful selection of fittings and fixtures to ensure best possible use of the water available.