Creating inviting and inspiring workspaces is as important as ever, with the design trends of these areas constantly shifting and evolving.

At SUPAWOOD, we understand that a workspace is more than just a visually appealing area; it is meant to be designed to make its occupants feel as inspired, safe, and motivated as possible. If you are looking to make stunning transformations to your workspace, or just changing up the layout for something fresh, consider some of these unique approaches.

1. Flexible workspaces

Currently trending in modern office design is the use of flexible workspaces. Open plans are particularly popular to utilise natural light, do away with traditional cubicles, and allow staff to move around an office rather than stay at a designated desk. These arrangements encourage collaboration and teamwork, and are believed to create a more positive work experience for employees who alternate between working in a corporate office and from home.

2. Prioritise workplace wellbeing

SUPAWOOD leaf shaped panels

Leaf feature ceiling, Taronga Zoo Wildlife Retreat, Sydney NSW

Prioritising workplace wellbeing is a trend gaining momentum, particularly since the rise in biophilic design in the workplace.

As individuals increasingly prioritise their mental health and emotional wellbeing, architects, designers and contractors are tasked with creating and delivering workspaces that promote positivity and comfort, similar to that experienced while working from home. As mentioned, the use of biophilic design can quickly transform a workspace into a warm and welcoming environment. Natural timber is a great product to introduce when designing biophilic spaces. SUPAWOOD has even manufactured leaf shaped panels and features to simulate the natural environment inside.

3. Quiet spaces

Correct acoustics are crucial for the wellbeing of occupants in a workspace, as they help reduce unwanted noise, and absorb sound. Sound absorption has many benefits, including decreasing stress levels and improving focus. SUPACOUSTIC is a great range of both standard and custom acoustic panel products that can be adapted to the acoustic requirements of your space, so that the final space is enjoyable for its occupants. Acoustics are as important, if not more important, than the visual appeal of a space.

4. Cosy office spaces

Introducing warm and natural timbers into a space is a great way to infuse warmth and cosiness. On the flip side to open plan offices, having small focus office spaces can stimulate focus and concentration within an office. SUPAWOOD offers a range of natural timber veneer options.

5. Sustainable materials

Whilst there are many small and important ways a workspace can be sustainable in its operations, it is also important to consider the materials that are being used for the interiors. At SUPAWOOD, we recognise the value of sourcing responsibly, and are proud to have been chosen to supply panels for some of the highest Green Star rated buildings built in Australia in recent years. The Green Star rating scheme created by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) is the benchmark being used for ever increasing numbers of projects to measure their environmental performance. Sustainable timber options, products with low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions, and products with low levels of formaldehyde emissions are provided by SUPAWOOD, and these aspects are just a few of the things you can consider when creating a workspace with sustainable materials.

6. Bright colours

Workspace Design

It is obvious that grey, white, and stark office spaces are a design standard of the past. We suggest introducing bright and inviting colour choices and effects to again, boost morale and cheerfulness in the office space. Whilst we primarily deal with natural timber tones for feature linings, we have options available in our highly durable satin, high gloss and metallic painted finishes, matched to any colour reference.