The iconic retro refrigerator by Smeg Australia has an attractive curvaceous design and super efficient technology.

Available in black, silver, cream, red, mint, light blue, lime, pink, royal blue and orange, the FAB32 fridge features a 205 litre capacity refrigerator and 103 litre bottom-mounted freezer.

The refrigerator section has an auto defrost function and four large, quick-chill crystal glass shelves. FAB32 retro fridges also feature a chilled meat keeper, two half-width clear crisper drawers and a space-saving five-bottle chromed wine rack.

The generously proportioned freezer comprises two full-width clear-fronted frozen food drawers, with one clear-fronted hinged door compartment and two ice cube trays.

Smeg’s retro FAB32 refrigerators are available nationally from specialist appliance outlets and electrical retailers.