Capral sliding doors, windows and framing systems were integral to producing a building honouring the original structure’s rich heritage.

When plans were launched to rebuild the much-loved Log Cabin Hotel after a fire destroyed the original local landmark, Team2 Architects joined forces with a talented team on the rebuild. Architectural project and team leader, Jonathan Parker, explains how his firm partnered with Capral Aluminium to help solve the daunting challenge of creating a worthy replacement.

The history of the Log Cabin Hotel

The original historic Log Cabin Hotel venue had been an iconic building in Penrith, established in 1826. The nearly 200-year-old structure fulfilled numerous roles, serving as a famous watering hole for diggers, a local rowing club, a celebration place, and even a resting point for Charles Darwin.

After this landmark hotel was sadly destroyed by fire in 2012, discussions commenced shortly after to redesign and rebuild the same picturesque Nepean River site, whose natural beauty is the source of lasting community pride.

The much-anticipated rebuild was completed in April 2022, with the new two-storey hospitality facility housing indoor and outdoor bars and dining areas overlooking the beautiful Nepean River. An expansive beer garden, children’s playground, fine dining area, and upstairs function rooms complete this stunning rebuild.

“To create the form of the new building, we took elements from the surrounding area – specifically the steel and iron elements from Victoria Bridge, with its heavy stone base and steel beams and trusses. The Log Cabin’s pitched roof and gable design also references the new Yandhai pedestrian bridge,” says Jonathan.

Every element of the new Log Cabin Hotel sensitively responds to its setting. “As per the client’s request, the new building’s façade is designed to open right out onto the river view and beyond,” Jonathan explains. “We intended patrons to vividly experience events taking place outside – a rowing race on the Nepean River, for example – by encouraging them to spill out onto the deck for a closer look.”

Capral sliding doors seamlessly expand internal spaces

The Capral 225 series sliding doors combined with 900 high-performance sliding doors were integral to Team2 Architects’ goal of making the Log Cabin Hotel’s internal spaces seem to flow visually into one another and then through to that exterior deck area.

“The sliding doors enable patrons to transition between bar and deck, effectively integrating the two areas,” Jonathan confirms. “Those doors open right out on fine days, bringing the outdoors in by enabling patrons to walk between indoor and outdoor spaces effortlessly.”

The circumstances of the original building’s demise restricted the types of materials used. “The fire consultants prohibited any timber constructions as the original structure had burnt down, making specification of fire-resistant materials necessary,” Jonathan remembers. “And, with temperatures reaching 45 degrees in summer, the Log Cabin Hotel’s western side has particularly benefited from those high-performance glazing and Capral window suites installed.”

A streamlined design process

Capral streamlined the design process considerably thanks to the known quantity of our products. “Those [AGS 419 Flushline Framing System] suites enabled us to complete the design very efficiently,” Jonathan says.

“Right from the beginning, we already had all the specifications and performance data needed on the Capral windows and door suites in our library. [Capral’s online resources] assisted in designing the entire structure around those framing elements. We simply downloaded the information and then inserted it straight into our designs.

“The comprehensive data we had on the various [Capral Solutions] also helped make our initial estimate extremely close to the actual cost,” he continues. “When the builders saw the level of detail in the work we’d done with the specific Capral [extrusion profiles], they decided to stick with those instead of considering alternatives.”

There’s a key reason the new space has been so successful. “The new venue’s connection with the unique landscape enables patrons to look out over the Nepean River with the Blue Mountains in the background,” Jonathan says. “It’s proved very popular – I tried to get in with my family the other day, but it was too crowded!”

Team2 Architects’ experience working with Capral allowed all involved to produce a building honouring the original structure’s rich heritage. It’s heartening to see this crucial piece of Penrith’s history rebuilt with a sense of purpose and sensitivity to its surroundings. Visit the Log Cabin Hotel in Penrith to see how Capral Aluminium products can streamline commercial and architectural construction.

Project Credits

  • Architect: Team2 Architects
  • Builder: FDC Construction and Fitout
  • Fabricator: Arch-System Fabrication Pty Ltd

Featured Products

  • AGS 419 Flushline Single Glazed (100mm): Aluminium Framing System
  • 225 Series Door Hinged, Pivot, Sliding: Aluminium Hinged, Pivot & Sliding Doors
  • 900 High Performance Sliding and Stacking Door: Aluminium Sliding Door