Grimshaw’s new Sustainability Lead David Ritter will oversee the practice’s net zero carbon and regenerative design commitments across Australia and New Zealand, with the aim of evolving and growing its sustainable expertise.

Involved in the design and delivery of a number of global projects including the low-carbon systems retrofit for the Palaces of Westminster, sustainability master planning for IKEA, and multi-residential Passivhaus projects in China, Ritter was formerly the Office Lead of Atelier Ten’s Melbourne studio.

The practice has a high regard for Ritter’s deep understanding of the technical challenges and opportunities that sustainable and regenerative design presents. The new hire says he is delighted to have joined Grimshaw, a world-renowned architectural practice always looking to innovate.

“I am excited to join Grimshaw, a global architectural and design practice founded on sustainability and circular economy design principles, and I welcome the challenge to bring my sustainability leadership and technical expertise to our studios in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand to help our clients achieve sustainable design solutions,” he says.

On the local front, Ritter has been a direct influence in the delivery of WA’s Museum Boola Bardip, STH BNK by Beulah, Monash University Gillies Hall, Cairnlea Mixed-Use Development, and Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria Herbarium. His expertise in environmental engineering and sustainability masterplanning will be an asset to his new practice.

“It is imperative that we support our clients to implement systems thinking and Grimshaw’s integrated design philosophy that can deliver viable game-changing projects,” Ritter concludes.