Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 222) - Rothelowman Sydney Principal Ben Pomroy on legacy, light and longing for a better designed future Listen Now
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    Scavenger Supplies

    Scavenger Supplies supply an extensive range of products to the construction and industrial sectors including materials handling equipment, safety equipment and FRP grating solutions.

    FIBREGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC {FRP} is a mixture of resin and fibreglass strands or sheets formed for shaped profiles or grating. Commonly used in environmental walkways, bridge pedestrian areas and a variety of mining applications.

    Their product range includes moulded fibreglass grating, handrails, ladders, steps, earthmoving and demolition equipment, height safety equipment, fire extinguishers, safety signs, spill stations, protective clothing, gloves, safety glasses, welding equipment, nuts and bolts and barrier tapes.

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