Raeco  has been serving Australian libraries for over 40 years now. Raeco provides about 4,000 product lines for educational institutions as well as independent Australian libraries. Raeco's library furniture range includes chairs and seating; children's furniture; furniture for young adults; circulation desks; OPAC desks; tables; carrels and coffee tables.

Raeco also provides office and movement furniture for library applications, such as workstations, office desks, patron trolleys, book trolleys, step stools, queue control products and occasional furniture. Storage furniture and library management products available from Raeco include storage and filing cabinets, book display units, wall panels, glass display cabinets, signage, magazine and newspaper display units.

Shelving products from Raeco are available in two types namely metal and timber and include bayend panels and shelf labels. For audiovisual media in libraries, Raeco provides a variety of storage and management options, including audiovisual media display systems, storage units, AV shelves, replacement cases, security cases and labels.