There are two basic types of sewerage treatment processes, which are the Aerobic process and the Anaerobic process. Aerobic means with air or oxygen and Anaerobic (septic) means without air or oxygen. Aerobic bacteria are a higher life form and when digesting waste are utilising dissolved oxygen or air in the waste water, where as anaerobic bacteria digest the waste through acid fermentation. 

Most treatment plants use aerobic process technology when treating swwerage and wastewater, which takes place in an oxygen enriched environment or wastewater treatment plant tank. The treatment of the waste happens within a few short hours as compared to a septic process using anaerobic digestion, which can be in the order of 70 to 90 days, depending on temperature. The two main phases that are employed when using this wastewater treatment method are Aerobic digestion, in which the sludge is is formed through aeration of the incoming sewage, and is mixed with previously grown deposit of so called humus. In this phase, digestion of nutrients and ammonia takes place.

The second phase when using the erobic process in wastewater and sewerage treatment is when the bacterial biomass quite readily flocculates and settles in a quiet zone where the solids are retained after settling. Vlear water is removed by decanting, and the settled solids stay within the system to become mixed with the new incoming sewage to be digested and oxidised through continuous never ending cycles of aeration in an oxygen enriched environment within the treatment system.  Activated sludge offers several important operating parameters which can be tuned to a particular application and as the digestion and oxidation of the waste is more efficient there is little or no desludging required except under extreme heavy load conditions. Oxidation processes convert all organic matter to simple carbon compounds, gasses, and water.

Ozzi Kleen adopts this particular process when treating sewerage and wastewater that offers a far more effective and efficient treatment process, where rapid digestion of the waste takes place in a relatively smaller vessel. This treatment plant is designed to absorb shock loads due to a cylcic process  which absorbs the increase in flow by allowing the filling of the main aeration tank and operating at a high level.

The Anaerobic process, on the other hand, use septic digestion as one of the processes and aeration of the septic water as another process are frequently referred to as modified septic systems. The two major phases of these particular treatment plants are The Primary process is septic and Anaerobic, and The Secondary process is Aerobic. Anaerobic digestion takes place where organic matter is allowed to putrefy through acid fermentation in a septic tank. This process takes several months as compared to the aerobic process, which takes several hours. The septic process develops sulphur compounds, which is food for sulphur seeking microorganisms. This process also produces odorous smells when the effluent is discharged.

For more information on wastewater and sewerage treatment, visit Ozzi Kleen .