George Fethers and Co. Architectural  is the nation’s sole representative of PPG Industries and supply a variety of PPG Glass products. George Fethers and Co. Architectural’s spectrally selective glass is a glass with a Light to Solar Gain (LSG) Light to Solar Gain ratio of 1.25. LSG is equivalent to VLT (Visible Light Transmittance) divided by SHGC (Solar Heat Gain Coefficient).

Spectrally selective glass, from George Fethers and Co. Architectural, captures the benefit of natural daylight when lowering solar heat loads. Designers and architects, through this advantage, can minimise dependency on artificial lighting and cooling in a commercial building, resulting in cost-effective building operating expenses.

George Fethers and Co. Architectural’s Azuria, formerly known as Azurlite Glass, is a blend of visible light transmittance and solar control in eye-catching aqua-blue. With a visible light transmittance of 61 per cent, Azuria’s solar heat gain coefficient is 0.39.

Solexia, also known as Solex, is a light green tinted glass that has given aesthetic and performance solutions for architects and builders internationally for decades. The interior brightness of the glass is subdued with its light green colour. Inspite of this, Solexia, provides 77 per cent visible light transmittance and a combined solar heat gain coefficient of 0.60.