When a home is insulated with the right insulation product, you can recover the cost quickly through energy savings.

While the upfront costs can be quite unappealing, insulation will pay for itself and end up saving you money in the long run.

A home insulated with products such as Foamex’s StyroSheet, manufactured from Styroboard expanded polystyrene (EPS) enjoys a higher R-value than uninsulated homes. This means that the home’s thermal resistance is superior: heat that is outside stays outside, and the cool air that’s inside stays inside, and vice-versa.

According to the Australian Department of Industry and Science, this can even save you about 40% on your heating and cooling bills.

These savings mean that your investment in insulation effectively starts paying for itself as soon as you receive your next energy bill. Estimates vary, but sources such as the Insulation Council of Australia and New Zealand (ICANZ) and Western Australia’s Department of Commerce forecast that correctly installed insulation will pay for itself in 3 to 6 years. After that, it’s all savings!

StyroSheet is the ideal insulation solution to take advantage of the long-term savings potential of an insulated home. Lightweight, strong, clean, and easy to handle, StyroSheet offers a high level of thermal resistance for your home as well as soundproofing qualities for a more comfortable home or building.

Take advantage of the long-term savings that a well-insulated home offers by contacting Foamex today.