When you are in the real estate market, you know that you can’t lose important client information and assets such as deeds or the keys to their properties. Whether you are in the business of flipping houses, or rentals, it’s important to be on top of your game. One way of doing that is with key cabinets for real estate keys, and the likes of filing cabinets for deeds and other client information.

It’s the same with real estate agents, rental properties, and even hotel and inn accommodation properties. A proper and designated place for your keys can definitely help in ensuring that you not only know that your keys are in a safe place but they can also be accountable with the features included with the key cabinets.

With two types of key cabinets on offer – key entry and keyless entry – you are provided with tracking systems that will help accountability.

In a key & lock entry cabinet, you are provided with signature strips as well as other accessories such as printed key tags, labels for each key hook and more to make it easier to find the keys that you need. Accountability is ensured, especially with signature strips, as the person who takes out the key is required to leave behind their details in order for the person responsible for key management to always know who has the keys and who can be held responsible for whatever happens to the keys in their care.

In a keyless entry system, you are offered a tracking software system that relates to the identification code given to the personnel who have access to the key cabinet and the ability to dispatch it for use. This will prove to be a great way of key management as a supplementary measure for your real estate key cabinets.

With a number of models on offer, to suit most interiors, the key cabinets available from TelKee Lockable Cabinets are solid, sturdy and secure. If you need more than the lowest capacity for a model, then all you need to do is add in some expansion panels until you are full up. It’s pretty easy and convenient. In the world of real estate, you need to be able to know where the keys to your properties are, because people will always want to see the place before they buy or rent it. So make sure you have them at hand, and when not, it’s in a secure location such as inside a TelKee key cabinet.