Stormtech has been at the forefront of drainage innovations for home and commercial building industries for over a quarter of a century. Their product range for residential and commercial applications includes Linear Drains, Tile Insert Drains, Square Drains, Threshold Drains, Vinyl Clamps, as well as Special Assemblies and Slot Drains for landscaping applications.

When choosing the right drainage for a bathroom, unique design concerns or waterproofing requirements, even exposure to elements for properties close to a surf beach, have to be considered. For outdoor areas particular attention needs to be addressed for drainage availability, environmental concerns, as well as flow rates. In a balcony installation, limited depth of profile or the drainage placement and the location of the downpipe are important factors.

As one of the most respected drainage manufacturers and suppliers in Australia, Stormtech is committed to delivering the highest quality drainage solutions for today’s unique drainage projects and welcomes questions about product selection and compliance. Their skilled specialists can also offer bespoke drawings and plans for customised drainage designs.

All Stormtech products are certified WaterMarked and have US UPC and Canadian CSA approval. With a proud commitment to eco-friendly design, Stormtech offers the only linear drainage product in the world with Global GreenTag certification.