A Rocla ecoRain® rainwater utilisation system has been incorporated into the upgrade of the iconic Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

The ecoRain® system was installed underground, behind the excavated carpark.  Rainwater will be collected from the roof of the café, stored in the 30kL ecoRain® reinforced concrete tanks, then gravity-fed to a pump and used for toilet flushing, irrigation of the landscaped area over the carpark and for other non-potable water requirements around the site.

Sound structureal capacity and design flexibility made the ecoRain® system ideally suited to this application.


The Rocla ecoRain® rainwater utilisation system is a complete, self-contained water supply system that harvests rainwater for daily use.

Rainwater is collected from the roof, stored out of sight in an underground concrete tank, then pumped back to garden taps, toilets and laundry. When the tap is turned on, an automatic electric pump provides instant, mains-pressure rainwater.

Built-in self-cleaning filter and skimmer lowers contaminant build up means the filter requires maintenance only twice a year.  It collects up to 95 per cent of annual rainwater run-off.

There are three standard tank models (3000, 5000 and 10,000 litres) and larger non-standard models with unlimited tank sizes also available.


  • residential housing
  • residential developments
  • public dwellings / amenities i.e. bowling clubs
  • small multi-developments i.e. nursing homes, townhouse estates
  • commercial developments
  • industrial developments