The ‘Make it Wood - Do Your World Some Good’ campaign by Planet Ark in partnership with Forest and Wood Products Australia aims to encourage the increased use of responsibly sourced wood as a building material.

Responsibly sourced wood can play a big part in helping tackle climate change by storing carbon. Wood is a low carbon option for building, and when used in long-lived applications, stores carbon for the long-term. Wood is also renewable and has a lower embodied energy than many other building materials such as concrete, steel or plastic. Therefore, wood allows us to live a low carbon lifestyle.

The Make It Wood campaign by Planet Ark underscores the message that we must protect and treasure what remains of our high conservation forests.

There are many benefits of using responsibly sourced wood including good health and wellbeing; durability; natural insulation: structural strength; speedy and efficient builds; cost advantages; and natural beauty.

When choosing wood it is important to make the right choice in order to avoid buying illegally logged imported wood or wood from forests of high conservation value. Wellington Architectural sources all of their timber for their panels from FSC certified suppliers. 

The company is currently in the process of formalising their commitment to using responsibly sourced wood with Chain of Custody accreditation.