Rodents are a common pest in urban areas that can evade many conventional pest control techniques, so it is important to consult professionals such as Termitrust when pursuing pest management services to deal with them. Termitrust is the pest control division of the national Termimesh and Termi Home & Commercial network.  

Rats and mice can produce many litters of babies each year and tend to carry disease, so their control is important for the health and safety of building occupants.

Primarily active at night, rodents can also chew through objects such as electrical wires, further compounding the safety risks due to their presence.

Because they can detect chemicals in food they can also become ‘bait shy’ and many pest management services can fail due to this.

When conducting an inspection, Termitrust carefully inspects a building to determine the reasons for any build up. Attention is given to:

  • the need to block up any entry points
  • hygiene and sanitation; and
  • what baits to use.