Australia has one of the world’s highest rates of asbestos cancer. But now there is a safe method of treating your asbestos roof which requires no down time.

As long ago as 2001, Worksafe Australia estimated 16,000 mesothelioma (asbestos cancer) deaths by 2020, with the figures rising each year. As with any material, your asbestos roof is eventually affected by age, climatic conditions and pollution, begging the question: How to deal with this monster?

Up until recently, roof repair was hazardous at best and removal was the only viable option. Now, safe, cost and time efficient asbestos encapsulation is the answer. It requires none of the dangerous inconvenience of the standard removal process and renders the asbestos benign.

Solar Cool Insulating Paint Applicators

Solar Cool’s heat reflective membrane, Insultec, has also been proven to be an exceptionally stable and adhesive roof coating, resistant to cracking or bubbling, and perfect for asbestos encapsulation. The highly flexible membrane can bridge gaps and cracks to 1.6mm and provides increased durability and tensile strength for a minimum of 15 years.

While having the good looks and ease of application of a paint, the membrane is applied using uniquely formulated applicators. The process requires no down time, with the cost coming in around 66% cheaper than removal.

The end result is a more stable, durable roof enhanced by Insultec’s superior heat reflective, cooling properties.