Lidco - Aluminium Windows and Doors launches their new range of windows and doors framing systems with thermal efficiency design and various features on offer.

The new range includes the 370 system sliding/stacking door, the 372 system sliding/stacking window and the 373 system awning/casement window. The new Lidco range of door and window framing systems are made to easily couple with Lidco 100mm framing without showing any unpleasant rivets and screws.

The 370 and 372 systems both feature a full length woodpile to help seal top and bottom gaps in order to provide ultra low air-infiltration and improve the systems’ acoustic abilities.

The 373 system also features low air-infiltration but also high water resistance, which makes the window system ideal for multi-storey apartments. The awning frame system also features a chain winder that is able to sit flush on the window sill or transom with no overhang.

All three of the Lidco windows and doors systems are designed to allow easy integration between systems while reducing the number of sections required for fabrication. All the systems also accept up to 10mm single glazing and up to 24mm double glazing without the use of adaptors.

The new range of windows and doors framing systems, from Lidco – Aluminium Windows and Doors, are both easy to specify and efficient to manufacture.

For more information on the new range of windows and doors framing systems, contact Lidco or visit their website.