Graphisoft  various courses and some of the courses include Professional ArchiCAD, Updgrade V10-11 and Lightworks rendering. Professional ArchiCAD focuses on productivity, quality assurance and process. The course is suitable for sole practitioners, CAD managers, quality assurance managers and documentation supervisors.

Professional ArchiCAD course is conducted for four days and basic ArchiCAD training is essential before taking up this course. The approval for the course is based on the project work which has to be submitted to the trainer for assessment. The complete project of professional ArchiCAD is built over a week and close attention to processes and setups are paid to suit best practice standards.

Updgrade V10-11 is suitable for users who have completed their training or for users who are already well versed with a previous version of ArchiCAD. This upgrade training covers the new features which have been introduced in ArchiCAD version 11. The upgrade course is for one day and prior experience in using ArchiCAD version 10 is essential for taking up this upgrade course.

Lightworks rendering is another course which is also conducted for one day and the prerequisite for this course is knowledge of ArchiCAD. Topics covered under this course include existing rendering features and controls, overview of lightworks, rendering, shaders, advanced functions, transparent trees, lightworks environment and lightworks lighting.