There are various sections under which CSIRO Industrial Research Services conducts its research work. The sections include astronomy and space, energy, environment, farming and food, health and well being, information and communication technology, manufacturing, materials, mining and minerals and transport and infrastructure.

CSIRO Industrial Research Services conducted various researches that include healthy water ecosystems which have been conducted to protect repair and manage water ecosystems of Australia. For healthy country flagship healthy water ecosystems is one of four research areas. This ecosystems project is helping Australia in managing its water ecosystems in a better way.

According to CSIRO Industrial Research Services, the water ecosystems of Australia include rivers, wetlands, floodplains and estuaries. All these contribute to the well being of the nation substantially. These water systems have various benefits such as they work to replenish and purify water resources, are important assets for fauna and flora, and are iconic sites for tourism and various other important features. The water systems are under threat due to altered land use, development and climate change.

The research conducted by CSIRO Industrial Research Services focuses on understanding the key factors which are responsible for the health of water ecosystems, understanding the ways of response of ecosystems to various management actions and how these responses impact economic and social outcomes, using these understandings as a tool which will assist in planning, monitoring and management of water ecosystems.