Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 233) - Australia's Jansen Che, winner of a competition to help redesign Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city Listen Now
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    Interactive Online Visualiser App

    The online Visualiser app from Caesarstone offers a photo-realistic representation of a kitchen, bathroom or commercial space which can be customised with a colour palette from the Caesarstone range. 

    Interactive design tool
    Comprehensive texture and colour palettes provide the most realistic results. 

    • Provides a range of flooring materials, wall colours and cabinet styles for an accurate portrayal of the overall tone and feel of the design. 
    • Simple and convenient to convey different design styles and colour choices for immediate results and feedback
    • Enables the user to save the selections to share with friends and clients or as a summary of past design options

    The Visualiser app provides users with an instant, interactive and accurate representation of their designs in a kitchen, bathroom or commercial space. The tool is available on the Caesarstone website and for best results use on a desktop, laptop or tablet device. 

    Contact Caesarstone
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