ANC Bird Control  is involved in providing unobtrusive bird control systems, which are low on maintenance costs. These systems are designed to not affect building aesthetics. The result of using one of these systems is effective pest control of feral birds and prevention of the harmful effects they have on humans and buildings. The use of these systems from ANC Bird Control also offers the benefit of cost reduction in restoring the damage caused to buildings and the urban environment on account of bird infestation.

The pest management programme adopted ANC Bird Control includes thorough site inspection. This enables ANC Bird Control evaluate the specific control methods required and eradicate the problems caused by pest birds invading urban spaces.

ANC Bird Control is licensed by the government with a permit known as ‘feral bird control in built-up areas/populace place permit’. This enables ANC Bird Control utilise air rifles and air pistols to control such birds.

ANC Bird Control also provides avicides. ANC Bird Control gives a 3 month guarantee on ‘Avigel’ pest bird control agent, used in eradication of house sparrows, Indian mynahs, pigeons and starlings. This product is registered for use only in the states of Victoria, Tasmania and Northern Territory.

ANC Bird Control also uses bird traps near the roosting or feeding sites of pigeons to trap the birds and humanely dispatch them.