Calculating the cost of a microcement finish in any project is based on a number of factors aside from the actual material cost. If you are considering a concrete finish using microcement in your residential or commercial project, read on.

Most finishes in the market come with a pre-set price per square metre. However, when it comes to installing a microcement finish, there are a number of factors that will determine the final cost of a microcement installation.

For a project covering a minimum area of 50 square metres over a concrete substrate, the supply and installation cost of high quality microcement finishes can range from $100 - $180 + GST for floor installations, $130 - $220 + GST for wall installations and $250 - $400 + GST for joinery installations.

The variance in price range as well as cost of different installations is because the microcement pricing is influenced by different factors such as area of application, total size of application area, existing substrate and surface preparation, and intricacy.

These factors are explained below based on X-Bond microcement finish from Alternative Surfaces.

Area of application

The installation cost will vary depending on the area where X-Bond will be used. X-Bond can be applied to floors, walls and joinery – both internally and externally.

View suitable areas for X-Bond microcement

Total size of application area

Microcement coatings are hand-trowelled onsite. Regardless of the size of the area – 5m², 20m², 50m² or 100m² – microcement products such as X-Bond generally take 4 days to install. This means that the smaller the area, the more per square metre you can expect to pay. Conversely, a larger area will cost less per square metre in comparison.

Surface preparation

The cost of a microcement finish also depends on the type of existing substrate since there are different preparation requirements for different surfaces.

For example, when applying X-Bond over concrete, the installer will simply need to lightly grind the substrate before application.

However, when installing X-Bond in a wet area, bathroom or over sheeting, an additional base coat called Liquid Anti-Fracture Membrane or Brown Coat is required to minimise the risk of cracking from movement.

Similarly, when installing on tiles, the tiled surface should be nice and even, and ready for X-Bond microcement.


When installing a microcement finish in small areas such as showers, around niches or on joinery pieces, the workmanship required is very detailed and intricate. When installers take more time to apply, there is a corresponding increase in cost. Also, since intricate areas are usually smaller in size, the cost per square metre is usually higher.

If you need a cost estimate for your project, please contact Alternative Surfaces with the following information:

  • Project location
  • Areas of application
  • Substrate
  • Copy of drawings/ plans showing the areas where X-Bond is required. Alternatively, you can send a photo of the area along with measurement in square metres.