The ACO Polycrete SlabDrain system with Iron Heelsafe anti-slip grates was installed at Forrest Place, a square located in Perth’s CBD.

Recently redeveloped to become a safe and vibrant precinct for pedestrians, Forrest Place now features a permanent stage area, taxi and bus stands, enhanced lighting and improved street furniture.

A major challenge faced by project designers was in locating a heavily trafficked drainage system in a suspended slab overlying one of the city train lines. A compact system was required to provide safety for pedestrian foot traffic while being strong enough for vehicular traffic.

The designers selected ACO’s SlabDrain system with Iron Heelsafe antislip grates to meet the application’s requirements.

In addition to the SlabDrain H300K system with Iron Heelsafe grates, other ACO products used in this project included ACO Access cover and frame systems as well as various ACO drain systems.