A group of students from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands have envisioned a 50 square metre apartment with motorized, flexible walls that reconfigure based on the occupant’s needs.

The Hyperbody student design team presented the ‘Pop-Up Apartment’ concept in response to the issue of urban density and the increase of people living in tiny apartments.

Through the use of transfigurable interior components, the Pop-Up Apartment creates a continuously changing space that focuses on the rooms needed at a certain time, while eliminating areas that are not being used.

Polypropylene panels attached to motorized rails underneath the floor slide in and out to form the walls of the required room.

The panels can also be manipulated into chairs, tables, beds and other furniture, while remaining structurally strong.

Occupants can control the configurations either manually or using a smartphone app.

The students constructed a digital model of the entire Pop-Up Apartment along with a full-scale prototype of a section of the home, which can be seen in the video below.

Courtesy Dornob and Hyperbody