New appointments slowly push BVN to gender parity
After announcing nineteen new appointments today James Grose, BVN CEO noted that, “These appointments reflect the continuing commitment and move to gender parity in staffing structure.”
After announcing nineteen new appointments today James Grose, BVN CEO noted that, “These appointments reflect the continuing commitment and move to gender parity in staffing structure.”
BVN’s nineteen appointments, are made up of eleven males and eight females and as Grose points out “the most senior appointment, a senior practice director has been given to Laurie Aznavoorian, who has an extensive career as a designer and workplace strategist.”
The breadth of BVN work is also reflected in the diverse skillset of the new appointments with the new practice directors and associates being involved in projects ranging from designing Australia’s first high-rise high school through to major hospitals such as the soon to be completed Northern Beaches Hospital and workplace projects like CSIRO Synergy.
Five new practice directors have been appointed including Kirstie Irwin, Lucas Leo, Tim Crawshaw, Conor Larkins and Paul Quang.
There are three new senior associates, Vinay Bhat, Belinda McGrath and Phil Rowden leaving the largest number of appointments amongst the younger members of the practice with 10 new associates being elevated in the studio.
“The larger number of younger appointments reflects the deep pool of talented people working in the BVN studios,” says Grose.
The new associates are: Brian Wong, Rebecca Buffington, Mitchell Reed, Louise Barbour, Abbie Lewis, Jess Dixon, Nick Souksamarane, Marc Hine, Hector Barrientos and Felix Saw.

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