Statewide Door Services  offer door repair services. Statewide Door Services have efficient repairers and low overheads.

Statewide Door Services’ Service Department receives numerous telephone calls each day from people requesting additional quotes for replacement doors. Statewide Door Services visit their site to find that the door does not in fact require replacing, but can be repaired.

Just before Christmas 2008, Statewide Door Services had a Property Manager call to get a second opinion and quote on replacing a damaged roller door at a client’s factory. This door was one among six doors.

The mechanic from Statewide Door Services visited the site and after careful assessment of the damaged roller door, a quote was faxed to the client from Statewide Door Services Service Department, the same day. Upon receipt of their quote, the client again contacted the Service Department asking how the quote is less.

Statewide Door Services Service Department explained that the door did not require replacing, instead it could be repaired. The client gave them additional six doors to service and maintain.

Statewide Door Service does not compromise safety nor expertise, and does not spend unnecessary money on advertising.