A C Goulding Kemlec Services  is a company which manufactures and distributes products, systems and offers services for various sectors. Cliff Goulding and Fiona are the founders of A C Goulding Kemlec Services. This company was established in 1986 and it primarily provides air conditioning and heating systems.

A C Goulding Kemlec Services operates in Australia and it employs about 60 people. A C Goulding Kemlec Services mainly provides installation and service to all air conditioning systems. A C Goulding Kemlec Services also distributes air conditioning systems to industrial, commercial and residential applications.

Maintenance and management of air conditioning systems, ventilation systems, hydraulics and electronics are also provided by A C Goulding Kemlec Services. This company also offers energy billing systems and flow metering systems for residential and commercial sectors. Building automation systems are also dealt by A C Goulding Kemlec Services.

A C Goulding Kemlec Services offers its services on all days throughout Australia and clients can also place a service call through the internet. A C Goulding Kemlec Services attends the service call request as quickly as possible.