The Department of the Environment and Energy, Australian Government seeks comments from the public on the new National Carbon Offset Standards for Buildings and Precincts.

The seperate draft standards for buildings and precincts will be voluntary standards for carbon neutral buildings and precincts in Australia.They set rules for measuring, reducing, offsetting and reporting emissions required to make carbon neutral claims for building and precinct operations.

The draft Standards have been developed by the Department in partnership with the National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS), the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), carbon accounting experts and property sector businesses.

Certification against the Standards will be provided through the Australian Government’s Carbon Neutral Program, and for buildings also through the NABERS Energy and Green Star – Performance rating schemes.

An expansion of the existing National Carbon Offset Standard already available for organisations, products and services, the draft National Carbon Offset Standard for Buildings and the National Carbon Offset Standard for Precincts can be accessed on the Department’s website.

Comments on the draft Standards can be submitted using the appropriate submission template available online on the Department’s website by close of business 10 February 2017. Comments will be published on the website unless a request has been made to keep it confidential.


The Department is also organising a webinar on the draft National Carbon Offset Standard for Buildings on Friday 16 December from 11.30am to 12.30pm. To be jointly delivered by the Department, the NABERS Administrator and the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), the webinar will present an overview of the draft building Standard and highlight issues of interest to the built environment.

More information is available here.